
READY to Help: ProMinent donates to "Heidelberg hilft!"

"Heidelberg hilft!" is a campaign run by Heidelberg's Service Clubs and the city of Heidelberg under the patronage of the mayor Dr. Würzner. It supports unaccompanied refugee children and young adults in Heidelberg who came to Germany without their parents.

Under the motto "READY to Help" ProMinent will donate 3,000 Euro to this fund in December 2015. In addition, our employees also pitched in and raised the amount by 500 Euro!

The "Heidelberg hilft!" fund supports the integration of refugee children through, for example:

  • help at school (school materials, private lessons etc.)
  • monthly contributions and equipment for hobbies (sport etc.)
  • furniture and fittings for assisted accommodation
  • legal advice on issues relating to residence status

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