Turbidity measuring point DULCOTEST DULCO turb C
Measuring range 0 – 1,000 NTU
Turbidity measurements with DULCOTEST DULCO turb C: Compact measuring instrument that uses light scatter to measure turbidity, with a large measuring range and different designs to comply with ISO and EPA standards. Available with or without automatic cleaning.
Product description
Reliable on-line measurement of turbidity with DULCOTEST DULCO turb C measuring points
The DULCOTEST measuring points for turbidity DULCO turb C with TUC 1, TUC 2, TUC 5, TUC 6 versions are compact, on-line turbidity measuring points consisting of a sensor, flow fitting and measuring instrument. The measuring instrument allows the measured value to be displayed, calibration, the measured value to be forwarded using a 4– 20 mA signal and limit violations and equipment failure to be indicated. The measuring cuvette integrated in the measuring instrument allows the device to be operated in the process line bypass. The optical measuring equipment does not make contact with the measured medium.
The intended application is the treatment of potable water, in which DULCO turb C can be used in all treatment stages from raw water and filter monitoring to measurement of fine turbidity in dispensed potable water. Further applications include the monitoring of turbidity in slightly polluted process water, waste water as well as water requiring treatment from the food and beverage industry up to turbidity values of 1,000 NTU. In contrast to the TUC 1/TUC 2 types, the measuring points TUC 5, TUC 6 are the successor models to types TUC 3 and TUC 4 and like these include an ultrasound-based self-cleaning function. When used in deposit-forming waters, this is particularly useful for extending the maintenance intervals. The new measuring instruments are virtually identical to the old devices. The only differences are that they are operated using 5 keys rather than 4 keys and feature a USB connector with the associated software functions:
- Data capture and storage of 1 year’s worth of measurement and calibration data
- Variable recording intervals of between 1 and 60 minutes, which can be selected by the user
- Downloading of data via a USB flash drive
- Software updates via USB flash drive
- 4-20 mA and RS-485 Modbus outputs at the same time
The measuring principle is similar to a scattered light measurement. The light beam radiated into the measuring cuvette filled with sample water is scattered on turbidity particles and the scattered light is measured at right angles (90°) to the radiated light (nephelometric measurement). The unit of measurement for turbidity can be given as a NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit) or as an FNU (Formazin Nephelometric Unit). The measuring process in types TUC 1/TUC 5 (infrared light) corresponds to the global standard ISO 7027 and the European standard DIN EN 27027. The measuring process in types TUC 2/TUC 6 (white light) corresponds to the US standard USEPA 180.1.
Your benefits
- Compact turbidity measuring station with integrated sensor, flow cuvette and measuring instrument saves space and is simple to install and operate.
- High dynamic measuring range between 0.02 and 1,000 NTU permits broad-based use in all stages of potable water treatment. Also ideal for monitoring waste water from clarification plants and for monitoring ruptures with filters.
- Short response times thanks to small-volume measuring cuvette.
- Long-term stable measurements, even in contaminated water, by the optional ultrasonic cleaning of the measuring cuvette.
- Fast and simple calibration on site by optionally available, pre-assembled and time-stable calibration standards.